Tuesday, 26 June 2012


Sorry for the long delay in my updates, but things have gotten...interesting...to say the least.
I guess I should start with my last ultrasound, Wednesday June 20.  The techs can't/don't say much at the ultrasound so I figured all was the same as before, though I of course knew I was having cervix issues based on my last ultrasound.  Thankfully I had a follow up appointment with my doctor later the same afternoon so I didn't have to wait too long to hear what was going on.

I went to my appointment and the doc asked me how I was feeling and was going over my chart and ultrasound results.  He always sets it down in front of me so I can read it too, and I saw the word I was hoping NOT to see..."funnelled".  That word might not mean much to most people, but since having issues this pregnancy I've learned that funnelling isn't supposed to happen until labour is ready to start or has already started.  I was only 25 weeks 5 days pregnant, definitely not supposed to have funnelling!

SO, given the results, my doc said the babies are now past the point of viability (24weeks), so they're likely to survive (but with health issues) if born now.  The cerclage (stitch) seems to be holding the girls in for now, which is great, but my cervix had been at 1.6cm for the past 6 weeks and it was now time for me to be admitted into the hospital for hospital bed rest.

I was admitted early evening on June 20th.  Things have been rather uneventful so far, which is great and what we want.  I have a pretty cool room mate and we have quite a bit in common...we laugh together, we discuss our worries and it's nice to have someone to talk to.  The social workers in the hospital came by to make sure things were ok, and since they anticipate me being in here for an extended stay they've given me full cable tv access which is really great.  I've been having some issues with the internet company that supplies access to patients here at the hospital but I'm trying to get it resolved (grr!).

My OB has been here to see me a few times to check and see how I'm doing which is nice.  I asked him yesterday what he expects to happen, given other cases like mine he's dealt with...he said he'd be very happy if the babies make it to 30 weeks gestation...32 weeks would be preferred but he doesn't seem to think that I'll go that far.  Of course it worries me since prematurity can cause a lot of health problems and of course means a long NICU stay for my baby girls, so we're just hoping for them to hang inside for a while longer and to be very strong when they come.  They were both measuring right around 2 lbs each which is a great size for 25.5 week babies.

I'm 26 weeks 2 days today...every day counts now!
I don't have my camera so I can't add the most recent ultrasound pictures, but I'll try to get it soon so I can keep you all updated on how much my sweet baby girls are growing!


Helen said...

Hang in there Sarah. Hoping and Praying that those two little girls can stay in your womb for at least 4 more weeks! Still loving the updates....keep them coming when you can!! Xo

gariane said...


yes everyday counts! i hope that the babies can stay in there as long as possible. 2lbs is an excellent weight. my three were 2lbs at 28 weeks. you will be in my thoughts and prayers

Tracy said...

I am keeping my fingers crossed for you that you make it to at least 28 weeks! Stay strong and healthy for those girls. I can't wait to meet them!