Today I had a post-op appointment with my OB. He was happy that all seems to be going well and that I haven't had any problems since the surgery.
One big decision I'll have to make before these little ones join us is whether to attempt a vaginal birth or choose to have an elective cesearian. I know most of you are thinking "Why on earth would she want an elective cesearian???"...well, lets go over it.
Lets say I choose to have a cesearian. The benefits are, I would be able to have MY doctor deliver the babies...otherwise I'll be at the mercy of whatever doc is on call at the time. Also, I asked my doc today and he confirmed that if the elective cesearian was my choice that he could do a tubal ligation at the same time, so I wouldn't have to have that as a separate procedure later.
The downside of a cesearian is of course the fact that it is a major surgery. Recovery time is much longer than a regular vaginal delievery, and I'd inevitably have some scars (which isn't a real issue with me since the scar would just go along with my stretch marks..ha ha..).
Alright, so if I decide to have the babies vaginally lets look at the positives. I would have a faster recovery. Studies have shown that babies actually benefit from the process of labour and delivery because the contractions help the babies lungs prepare to breathe air. I would have a short hospital stay.
Those are pretty significant benefits, however, there are some big negatives to attempting a vaginal birth this time around. First of all, I'd only be able to attempt vaginal if the first baby is head down. Otherwise it would be a cesearian since most doctors around here won't even attempt a breech birth. So, assuming the first is head down, and the second one is breech, it's possible that I could still deliver both vaginally, but there's about a 50% chance that either the second one or both of them would need to be delivered by an emergency c-section (again, by the doctor on call, likely not MY doc). Often the 2nd baby enjoys the extra room in the uterus left after the first baby is delivered and will "stretch out", making vaginal birth impossible. Since the operating room wouldn't be booked for the tubal procedure as well as a cesearian I'd have to book the tubal for another time, and have a separate procedure for it.
So, I'll be considering the options for a while. Of course I have a long time until I have to make the decision, but it's what I've been thinking about.
On another note, I've been feeling some movement! The baby on the right is the one I've been feeling mostly, the one on the left is further back so I don't feel him or her as much. It's pretty exciting though and I'm loving the little pokes!
So there's my update. Next ultrasound is still booked for May 10...I've been impatiently waiting. I can't wait to find out if they're boys or girls!