That picture represents the beginning of our new adventure.
Hi, I'm Sarah and my husband is Chris. We've been happily married for 11 years and we have two amazing children, Evelyn is 9 and Nolan is 7.
Evelyn was the easiest baby in the world. She was content 99% of the time, slept a lot, and was happy as could be when awake. Nolan on the other hand, was a handful! He seemed to like to avoid sleep, only for the purpose of being miserable when he was awake! My experience with him was the main reason we waited so long to even consider adding to our little brood. Finally, after 7 years I felt "baby fever" again and we decided to have "just one more". I was a young mom the first times around, only 21 and 23 when my older kids were I'm 30, more comfortable, more confident, and most of all, more PATIENT. Sure, I can handle, even enjoy, a little baby now! Hubby was on board, kids were on board...but none of us were prepared for what was in store...
In mid-January 2012 our adventure began with 2 lines. A positive pregnancy test! Yes! In 9 months we'll have the little baby we've been planning for! Kids couldn't wait and started their requests for a brother or sister!
Crap hit the fan when Chris wound up needing an emergency appendectomy...the same day I started spotting, and pregnancy symptoms had seemed to completely disappear so I was pretty sure I was losing the pregnancy. I'll spare the details...but in the end Chris's surgery went very well and I was told I needed to book an ultrasound through my family doctor.
I lay there during the ultrasound, telling the technician that I was sure I was miscarrying, and that I knew she couldn't say anything but that's ok, and told her about my husband's plight. She was nice, and she said "I'll turn the screen in a minute to show you"...Uh...why would a technician show me a miscarrying embryo? Then I thought, well maybe I AM wrong and the baby is ok???!!
Then she turned the screen. There I saw one "bubble"(otherwise known as a gestational sac), with NOT one, but TWO yolks and TWO teeny tiny fetal poles!!!!!!! My brain couldn't make sense of it at first, and I must have given her the strangest look because she said "that's right, it's twins...identical twins actually". She gave me the biggest smile and she even started tearing up..I don't know how she kept such a straight face through the exam!
I started laughing, my eyes filling with tears! How could this be? I was SO sure I was miscarrying! Twins! What? Chris is going to FREAK! We need a van! Where will they sleep?! These were the thoughts going through my head as I had a minor meltdown in the ultrasound room. She must have thought I was a lunatic!
So, now you all know why we're seeing double. I'm currently 11 weeks and 3 days along. Still early in the race, but so far things are looking good. In my next post I will tell you all about my husbands response to the news!